art by babysith


thunderclan10 moonsshe/her

i know you'll feel the ghost / of some memories so warm

"small, fuzzy calico she-cat with blue eyes."



current name:
former name(s):
   timberkit, [redacted]
   cisgender female


   excitable, positive, caring
   reserved, nervous, stubborn
   emotional, naive, closed-off


fur color(s):
   orange, brown, cream
fur texture:
   thick and fuzzy
fur length:
eye color:
body type/structure:
   lean and muscular
   below average
   below average
voice claim:


mother figure:
   beetlewing   [deceased]
father figure:
other kin:


   flock together i
   kitty softpaws

art by babysith


thunderclan10 moonsshe/her

i know you'll feel the ghost / of some memories so warm

"small, fuzzy calico she-cat with blue eyes."



   thimberpaw is friendly and sweet, unafraid to help the cats around her. despite her generally reserved nature, so long as a cat approaches her, timberpaw will easily strike up a conversation and try to bond with the cat. she's generally very excitable, often finding joy in little things like neat bugs and crunchy leaves. this may seem to others like childish and kitlike behavior, but timberpaw doesn't see it that way. in her mind, she sees herself as having a deep appreciation for life, as it is very fleeting. this is a belief she holds deep in her heart.
   timberpaw likes to care for those close to her. whether that be helping to train or being a shoulder to lean on, she has a tendency to overexert herself and try to solve every problem her friends may have. she has an eagerness and an energy about her, as if she's always ready to learn and grow whenever she can.


   while timberpaw is very friendly with those she knows, she doesn't usually approach new cats. outside of her circle, she is quiet, reserved, and observant. a part of her aches to put herself out there, but she is always stopped by a fear of rejection and failure. she's a generally nervous cat, though it doesn't usually show unless tensions and stress is high. her nerves and anxiety are internalized instead. timberpaw is her own biggest critic, constantly pushing herself to try harder, do better, go faster.
   alongside this self-criticism lies an inherent stubbornness within timberpaw. she's not one to give up when she truly believes in something, whether that be a new training move, an ideology, or something bigger.


   timberpaw has a tendency to let her emotions get the best of her. she is not a logical cat in any sense of the word. often, her decisions are guided by her heart, and she rarely slows down to consider her emotional state in a critical way. this, alongside her naivety, create the perfect recipe for disaster in high-stress situations. timberpaw may lash out or run away when things get tough rather than facing them head-on.
   what makes these things worse is the fact that timberpaw dislikes sharing her emotions. she feels that as she is someone to lean on, she is not allowed to share any negative feelings. cats depend on her for emotional support and stability, and mixing her own messy emotions in would cause a disaster. it's safer, in her mind, to keep it all to herself, that way she's the only one who has to deal with the weight of it all.

art by babysith


thunderclan10 moonsshe/her

i know you'll feel the ghost / of some memories so warm

"small, fuzzy calico she-cat with blue eyes."



beetlewing - mother figure
   "i know she wasn't my actual mom, but she was as close as i was gonna get, right? i miss her every day. i hope she's proud of me."
swanpaw - best friend
   "i haven't talked to them in awhile, but i love spending time together! we should train together sometime, i really miss talking to them."
fawnlight - dream visitor
   "she seemed so sweet and nice to me, but i haven't seen her in a couple moons. maybe if i try really hard, i can dream again and she can teach me more things!"


spiderthroat - deputy
   "he seems cool! i saw him climb up on a den once, and then i tried it. it was fun! he also kind of taught me to fish. after fawnlight did first, though."


bumblestar - mentor
   "she is terrifying. i've had nightmares of her teeth and claws sinking into my pelt. does she want to kill me? why do i feel like this?"

art by babysith


thunderclan10 moonsshe/her

i know you'll feel the ghost / of some memories so warm

"small, fuzzy calico she-cat with blue eyes."



   words here


   words here

important roleplays

   event - roleplay (linked)

art by babysith


thunderclan10 moonsshe/her

i know you'll feel the ghost / of some memories so warm

"small, fuzzy calico she-cat with blue eyes."



   words here

misc. information

   words here

